Monday, December 30, 2019

A New Year and A new Decade- Are You Ready?

We are ending the year 2019. A lot has happened since the beginning of the year until now. Some successes have been achieved while we experienced some failures also. All in all we are thankful for the experiences that the year brought us because we have become better with these experiences.
As we look back, we must recall that every moment matters. It is the culmination of our experiences that have made us who we are.

The real question now is, are you ready for the coming year and decade? The year 2020. The year in which the world achieves most of the vision it set for itself in what is known as vision 2020.

Just keep hope alive and have faith that better days are coming and you'll get there only if you keep going.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Divine Initiative: Season’s Greetings

The Divine Initiative: Season’s Greetings:
I know what the devil will say to you.  He will say to you, ‘You are a sinner!’ Tell him you know you are, but that for all that you are justified.  He will tell you of the greatness of your sin.  Tell him of the greatness of Christ’s righteousness.  He will tell you of all your mishaps and your backslidings, of your offences and your wanderings.  Tell him, and tell your own conscience, that you know all that, but that Jesus Christ came to save sinners, and that, although your sin be great, Christ is quite able to put it all away.
- Charles Spurgeon 

Merry Christmas , Happy Holidays, and a very successful Happy and fulfilling New Year!

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Season’s Greetings

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a very successful Happy and fulfilling New Year!