Tuesday, November 26, 2019


In a few days the whole of America will be celebrating thanksgiving, a season where friends and family gather together with the aim of showing and expressing appreciation for everything that the past year has brought them.
Aside the meals that feel kitchens across the country, it is the expression of humanity, the sharing of time together, the laughter and moments that make the experience worthwhile.
It is a time to whisper "a big thank you" to your loved ones for the times you've shared and to commit to all the times the future may bring.
This is not a time just for the cameras, no fakes. It is a time to express your real self.

  Some of those that you will be gather around may have said things about you that you don't know. It does not mean you should stop smiling with them.

Only you can tell why you feel so appreciative of the life you have.

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